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Fix The Genesis Parse Line 56 Error WP

Wow, how annoying and scary is this problem. If you are using a Wordpress Child Theme that requires the Genesis Framework you have to be extremely careful when editing anything to do with the code. I am using the Eleven 40 Wordpress Child Theme that requires Genesis. I wanted to edit the footer code in order to put a copyright sign and place my link in the footer etc. When I entered the code and pressed update I received the dreaded error. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ' on line 56. Website gone, what a nightmare! Even if you delete the code you just added, so everything was the same as it was before you added anything it still throws up the line 56 error! So how did I fix it? Read on below. This might not work for your problem. However, if you were trying to do the same as me (Then it should work) and you got the line 56 error then it's worth a go, right.

First off, go and sign into your hostings CPanel dashboard.

2. Go to your file manager and click it.

3. Select the website url which has the problem in order to go to its root folders

4. Double Click on wp-content

5. Double Click Themes

6. Find the theme with the problem from the list

7. Right click the theme name and choose "Rename" from the list.

8. Edit the name of the problem theme.

Example: my theme was Eleven 40, I changed it to Eleven 401. Anything will do.

9. Press save.

Now what will happen is because you renamed the theme with the problem Wordpress won't be able to find it, so Wordpress will now revert to one of the "Default" themes. This then gives you the chance to just log into your Wordpress dashboard and select another theme. Job done.

Please Note: Do not re-activate the theme you had the problem with. That theme will need to be deleted and re-installed before using it again. I'm pretty sure it will just give you the same error if you don't delete and then re-install a fresh copy. Also remember to rename the problem theme back to what it originally was. This is required in order to delete it. If its not renamed back to the original theme name then it can't be found in order to be removed / uninstalled.  Hope this helped you out.

Space Amazon Iframe Around Text Blogger

How to space an Amazon iframe around text in Blogger.

An example to the right.

This will work with mostly all Iframes and images etc. I'm pretty sure this will work on other platforms as well like Wordpress and normal websites that use HTML. I'm using the Amazon product box as an example and because it's something I use on a regular basis.

We could always use the CSS of the website with a class seperator but if your just looking for a quick fix then we just want some quick HTML code to add a quick space between the Iframe and the text. First off, if you can't get the Amazon Iframe to match the alignment of the text then you also need to change the alignment depending on what side you want the amazon box to appear.

Here is a code example of getting your amazon box to wrap around your text in Blogger:

Here is the start code of a normal Amazon iframe product box code:  <iframe src="http://rcm.amazon.com etc. Instead of iframe src put <iframe align ="right" then the code begins as normal.


<iframe align="right" src="
http://rcm.amazon.com - then the rest of your Amazon coding including your affiliate link will be here along with a closing iframe tag. </iframe>

Now if you want a nice space between the text and the amazon box just add this HTML table code to the iframe:

Add this above your amazon iframe code:

 <table align="right" border="0" cellspacing="10"><tbody>

Add this Below your Amazon Iframe Code:


So now your whole thing should look like this:

 <table align="right" border="0" cellspacing="10"><tbody><tr><td>
<iframe align="right" src="http://rcm.amazon.com - then the rest of your Amazon coding as normal.

Depending on how much space you want between your Amazon product box and text is up to you. This example uses a cell spacing of 10. You can use whatever you feel is appropriate. Same goes for the alignment. In this example I'm using the right hand side.

You should now have an Amazon product box spaced out nicely and surrounded by your expertly written text. If the codes above don't work with your template / layout try this one instead: <div style="float: right; margin: 5px;"> Your Amazon code here </div>

Adblock Download Failure Fix FireFox

Firefox was running slow so I decided to reset Firefox in order to speed things up. If you already have Adblock installed a reset of Firefox will remove it. It does for me anyway. And that's what just happened to me. I forgot about it and was on youtube and an advertisement came up at the start of the video. I thought wtf. Then I remembered I did a reset of Firefox. So off I went over to Adblock to reinstall. There's now a problem for some reason..When clicking the "Install for Firefox" button I'm getting an error. Problem loading page! Secure Connection Failed. Great.

So here's how I fixed it. Well, got Adblock installed on Firefox.

1. Open up your old crusty, never used version of Internet Explorer that's on the desktop. I'm using Windows XP which has it installed by default. If you have an updated version of Internet Explorer then I'm pretty sure that will work fine also.

2. Go to the Adblock website using Internet Explorer: https://adblockplus.org/en/firefox

3. Click the "Install for Firefox" button and it will open a downloadable file

4. Save the file to your desktop

5. Go to the desktop and double click the file

It will say windows can't open this file because it's an unknown file type.

6. Choose "Select Program from a list". Press OK.

7. Choose Firefox from the list

You should now have an Install Add-ons Firefox box on your screen. Click Adblock Plus and press install now.

And that's it. You should now have Adblock Plus installed on Firefox. Hope this helped you out.

Update: You can now get Adblock installed on your mobile devices. No more annoying ads on your Smartphone! Compatible with Android and iOS devices. Check out the link for more information and to download: Adblock For Mobile.

Add Adsense Below Post Content Blogger

Many tests show that Adsense advertisements perform best when mixed in with a websites main content. And most people who do this always add their Adsense ad at the start of the content so it sits side by side with the start of the posts text. Personally I don't like it. For some reason I feel as though it's just not right. I have placed Adsense wrapped around the start of post content but always ended up removing it. Although adding your Adsense blocks mixed into the top of the content isn't against the Adsense TOS (Terms of Service), so long as they are clearly market as "Advertisement" or "Sponsored Links", it just doesn't sit right with me.

So we all know that Adsense performs really well at the top of the content but don't right off placing Adsense ads directly below the post content either. This is an excellent location for Adsense. What do most people do when they land on a website? First of all they scroll down a little. I know I do. What else do they do. They read the post on the page which they landed on. Or they at least scan that post to see if it's what they were looking for. Where does that leave them if they weren't distracted by something else on your site. More then likely at the bottom of the post.

With Blogger if you add an Adsense block to the bottom of the post by manually dragging an Adsense widget to below the post on the Page Elements tab it places the Adsense too far down away from the end of the post content. So what you need to do is add the Adsense code to the HTML of the website so the ad sits directly after your content, like on this website. You will need to convert your Adsense code so it is compatible with the HTML coding of your website. To do this go to http://seotools.bloggertricks.com/free/blogger-adsense-ad-code-converter/ and enter your Adsense code into the box. Press convert and then copy and paste the converted code into your websites HTML in the correct location as explained below.

In Blogger if you want to add your Adsense Ad so that it sits wrapped next the start of your posts content all you have to do is go to the HTML of your Blogger website by clicking the Edit HTML tab > Click the "Expand Widget Templates" box so it has a tick in it's box. Then use your browsers find facility (usually Ctrl F) to find this code in the HTML: <data:post.body/>.

Add your Adsense code directly ABOVE <data:post.body/> if you want your Adsense ad to show up along side the start of your written content. Don't forget to label this ad "Sponsored Links" or "Advertisement" so that you don't break the Google Adsense rules. Also, you need to make sure the ad floats next to the content by adding a "Float" tag.

Your whole code should look like this:

<div style="float: right; margin: 10px;">
<p>Sponsored Links</p>
Your converted Adsense code here

You can change the code above to suit your needs like changing the Adsense ad from left to right or making the margin more narrow or more wider etc.

If you want your Adsense ad to show up straight after your post content, but most importantly still inside your post all you have to do is add your converted Adsense code directly BELOW <data:post.body/>. You may want your Adsense ad to be in the center so you need to add an alignment.

Your whole code should look like this:

<div align='center'>
<p>Sponsored Links</p>
Your converted Adsense code here

If you don't have any alignment code (div align) your Adsense ad will be on the left by default.

Please be aware that if you add your Adsense code to your websites HTML in Blogger as shown in these examples it will be added to every single post automatically. This means that say for example on your homepage where you display more then one post, you will be left with a white space because Google Adsense only allows 3 block units per page. One way around this is to only have 3 posts showing on your homepage so that each one has an ad in place. Anymore posts then this and you will have a white space where the Adsense would be.

If you notice on my website, my homepage only shows one post, the most latest update ( Not anymore). I do this because I also show an Adsense ad right at the bottom of my website. If I showed three posts on the homepage that would equal 4 ads on the homepage (not including link units) which would result in one white space from where one Adsense ad would not be displayed by default. The more posts shown on the homepage the more white spaces. Just keep that in mind if applying one of these codes to your HTML. Saying that, some of the newer Blogger templates have a different layout where they only show a thumbnail and snippet of the posts on the homepage. If you use one of these layouts then there shouldn't be any white spaces when showing Adsense within post content, no matter how many posts you show on the homepage. But also note that the Adsense Ads won't show up if the template is using a snippet (Excert) code.  I just prefer to use the older style layouts.

Top 5 Free Social Media Icon Websites

Icons, specially social media icons like Facebook, Twitter, Digg, YouTube, RSS Feeds, and Flickr have become an extremely important part of all websites and blogs. They not only make a website look nice but they also give visitors the chance to share your posts with the rest of the world. Quick access to the most well known websites via social media icons is now one of the most popular ways to attract more visitors and generate more traffic to your website. Of course, good website content matters greatly but if you have eye catching, professional quality social media icons on your website that catch the visitors attention, then that really helps too.For that you need some great icon websites that offer free social media icons for you to use.

Here are my top 5 free social media icon websites. Some of these websites not only offer social media icons but also different icons of many shapes and sizes. There are some really great websites here useful for all things related to icon graphics for web design.

Top 5 Free Social Media Icon Websites:

1. http://www.freeiconsweb.com

2. http://iconfever.com

3. http://www.iconarchive.com/

4. http://www.freeiconsdownload.com

5. http://www.iconfinder.com

How To Stop Your WiFi Being Hacked

The most common way to prevent your wireless (WiFi) Internet connection being hacked or shared by your nice neighbours is to set the security level to the highest available. These days on a normal domestic router that means WPA / WPA2 256 bit with a very long password consisting of, upper case, lower case, numbers, letters, mixed with some of the strange character symbols. Disabling your SSID from being visible is also a good idea.

That should be fine. And for the most part it is. How many people that live on your road would have the knowledge and the patience to try and hack your wireless connection..Not many. Of course, if they did try and actually succeed the reward for them is a nice one. Free Internet! Yay! So we can see the attraction that some people might be motivated enough to learn how to try and suck some free bandwidth.

Most people know that even with WPA 256 bit and a very long password, and with SSID disabled, it can still be cracked. So what do you do if someone does manage to get inside. First you have to know about it. If you know about it and you notice that your Internet is very slow, the chances are that the bandwidth robber is on the Internet at that very moment. So what you want to do is log in to your Internet Routers homepage so that you can see your "setup" or "my account" page. Your routers website will be an IP address which should be on a sticker underneath the router itself. Once on the routers options page you have many features available. One option will be that you can see who is using your Internet connection (who's on your network) at that very moment. If you see a name or computer ID that you don't recognise you may have just found yourself the free Internet junkie.

All routers are different and some will have different options that you can use to block access to anyone you don't want on your network. The most common option will be to block the person ( computer ) from being able to see your network. So that the robbers computer will be completely blocked, and it will look to them as if you are not online. They will be pulling their hair out thinking "where the hell did he vanish to!". I know it sounds cool, and it is. And this will be enough to prevent that person from accessing your Internet connection for free. However, if the person is a bit more network savvy they will know that there is a way around this. I probably shouldn't disclose how just in case people find this post looking for the answer to that method of prevention. Remember, this post is about how to stop your Internet being sucked dry, not helping people find ways around it.

If you didn't bother to change your password because you thought blocking them from seeing you was enough, big mistake. If they know how to bypass that protection they can apply a work around and then just click "connect" and they are back on your network getting free Internet all over again.

No matter how many times you block the person if they know how to get around the block they are back online fairly quickly. So what you really want to do is change the password if you see that someone unknown to you was on your network. This way the person will have to go through the whole process of trying to hack your WPA password all over again. This can take some time. Collecting millions of packets of data in order to separate the IV's can take weeks. Obviously some people know how to do it much quicker, but not many. In some cases someone trying to hack your wireless connection will go through all the work of collecting say half a million IVs then when they try to generate the password it won't work. Sometimes this is disheartening enough for the hacker to try their luck with someone else's connection.

The best, but most neglected way to stop people robbing your Internet is to have your routers control panel homepage open while your using the Internet. This way you can see who is on your network at all times. If you see an ID you don't recognise change your password straight away. I bet the person will get so tired of collecting IVs for days, or even weeks then only getting 1 hour of free Internet because you seen them on the router control panel that they will look elsewhere.

There are a handful of people that do have the knowledge to make themselves invisible even on your routers control panel homepage, but not to worry, they are few and far between. And to make things that little bit tougher just in case, change your password maybe once every two weeks, even if you don't see anyone on your network but your Internet is very slow all of a sudden and your convinced it's not a virus or computer problem. Also, if your router lights are flashing like crazy but your not downloading or even using the Internet this may be a warning sign. A little flashing is normal but a lot of activity when your computer is off is a sign that someone could be using your Internet connection. Stay sharp and don't neglect your routers online features!

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