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How To Wrap Text Around Adsense Blocks

From reading about Adsense on the official websites, Google encourage Adsense publishers to use the best performing ads to generate more clicks. More clicks for you means more money for both you and Google. It's a win win situation. The best performing Adsense ads are the 300 x 250 square and the 336 x 280 large square. No one actually knows for sure why these ads perform best but maybe it's because they are more visible and more "In your face" then the other ads. Or maybe they look more inviting. Who knows.

Anyway, these two best performing Adsense ad sizes also perform best in two different areas on a web page. The first location is when the Adsense ad is placed above your content and below you title, so it's the first thing the visitor will see. The second ad position is putting your Adsense ad mixed in with your written content. This is one of the best places to have your ad because again, visually it's very hard to miss.

Today I will show you how to wrap your Adsense square ad around your text so that it sits along side your written content.

Just add the following HTML below to your Adsense code:

<div style="float: right; margin: 10px;">
Your Adsense code here

You can change the margin and alignment to suit your needs.

This is the best method I have come across for wrapping text around Adsense ads but others do work. If the code above doesn't work for you then you could try adding a table. Adding a table is a good method for normal / basic HTML static websites.

Table for wrapping Adsense around text:

<table align="right">
Your Adsense code here

Again, you can change the alignment to what you like.

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