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Space Amazon Iframe Around Text Blogger

How to space an Amazon iframe around text in Blogger.

An example to the right.

This will work with mostly all Iframes and images etc. I'm pretty sure this will work on other platforms as well like Wordpress and normal websites that use HTML. I'm using the Amazon product box as an example and because it's something I use on a regular basis.

We could always use the CSS of the website with a class seperator but if your just looking for a quick fix then we just want some quick HTML code to add a quick space between the Iframe and the text. First off, if you can't get the Amazon Iframe to match the alignment of the text then you also need to change the alignment depending on what side you want the amazon box to appear.

Here is a code example of getting your amazon box to wrap around your text in Blogger:

Here is the start code of a normal Amazon iframe product box code:  <iframe src="http://rcm.amazon.com etc. Instead of iframe src put <iframe align ="right" then the code begins as normal.


<iframe align="right" src="
http://rcm.amazon.com - then the rest of your Amazon coding including your affiliate link will be here along with a closing iframe tag. </iframe>

Now if you want a nice space between the text and the amazon box just add this HTML table code to the iframe:

Add this above your amazon iframe code:

 <table align="right" border="0" cellspacing="10"><tbody>

Add this Below your Amazon Iframe Code:


So now your whole thing should look like this:

 <table align="right" border="0" cellspacing="10"><tbody><tr><td>
<iframe align="right" src="http://rcm.amazon.com - then the rest of your Amazon coding as normal.

Depending on how much space you want between your Amazon product box and text is up to you. This example uses a cell spacing of 10. You can use whatever you feel is appropriate. Same goes for the alignment. In this example I'm using the right hand side.

You should now have an Amazon product box spaced out nicely and surrounded by your expertly written text. If the codes above don't work with your template / layout try this one instead: <div style="float: right; margin: 5px;"> Your Amazon code here </div>

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