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Block Before You Continue YouTube Popup

How To: Block / Remove the Before You Continue YouTube sign-in Pop-up. This has become very annoying. YouTube just won't stop asking you to log-in. Only problem for me, is that my main Google account that I use everyday had its YouTube account banned due to me uploading a few Mike Tyson videos about 12 years ago. This seems crazy now because so many people upload those sorts of clips, and I doubt many get banned these days with "fair use" etc. Anyway, I'm banned. So I can't login even if I wanted to. 

I'm already logged into my Google account, but still, YouTube doesn't recognize this and just won't stop trying to get me to login or accept their privacy terms and conditions even though technically I already have because I'm logged in. We're stuck in a constant loop. Anyway, enough about all that. Today I'll show you how to remove all these annoying pop-ups quite easily.


How To Remove "Before you continue" sign-in message on YouTube

First things first: Go and download / install Adblock Plus. It's available for many browsers, including Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Opera and Microsoft Edge. 


You can download it here: https://adblockplus.org/

Second: Go to Youtube and wait for the annoying pop-ups to appear. Once they do click the Adblock Plus icon at the top of your browser and use the "Block Element" feature. Click Block Element and just go and hover over the popup. Or, if using a mobile device tap the popup. If hovering, the area will turn red to signify what you are going to be blocking on the page.

Click on the popup and add it to the block list. 


Please Note: You may have to do this around 3 times to get rid of all the elements that need to be removed / blocked. There may be a full shadow over the whole page at one stage. Just use the block element in Adblock Plus again, click anywhere on the shadow and add it to the block list. Once you have done this procedure and blocked all elements Adblock Plus will save this information in the block list and you will never have to do it again. All the popups are now blocked.

An Alternative method to disable YouTube Sign in Prompt

If you want another way to block the popups that appear see below.

You still need Adblock Plus installed (can also be done with other adblockers - ublock origin etc), but I will provide you with the codes so you can put them in your blocklist (so method above not needed).

Click the Adblock Plus icon and click the COG symbol to get to the settings. Click the "Advanced" tab. Scroll down to the bottom until you see "My Filter List".



One by one, add the lines of code below to the filter list. Yes, the lines at the start of the first few are needed. Make sure they are all turned on (see the second image above, they are on / activated / being blocked).

Copy the codes below to the filter list:







 And that's it, all done.

With either of these methods, they both achieve the same result. However, one might be easier for some people to perform than the other, so I included both. Any questions just let me know. Until the next time amigo.

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